
Showing posts from November 14, 2016

Full Time Gambler Reveals the Truth About Sports Betting

I've often heard it said, "you can't win betting on sports." The truth is sports betting is one of the few types of gambling that you CAN win at. The problem is there are so many factors which need to be taken into account, it can be very overwhelming. There are playing conditions, injuries, home or away games, players health, defense, offense, past performance, coaches, importance of match, rivalries to name a few just to calculate a very precise outcome. What's The Odds? Most people betting sports aren't aware that you only need to win 52.5% of your bets to break even. 56% winners makes you very successful. If you can manage to average above 56%, you are going to make an enormous amount of money. Now 56% doesn't sound like much, does it? just over half your wagers. The rest is discipline, money management and no doubt, a good selection method. But let's be clear, there is no magic bullet, no quick and easy method... or is there? Are Yo